Developed by DotEmu, the HD update brings the players' experience to new heights. London, UK - DecemToday, Ubisoft announced Heroes® of Might & Magic® III – HD Edition, a return to the most popular turn-based strategy game of the franchise. The most acclaimed Heroes title of all time is back in high definition UBISOFT ANNOUNCES HEROES® OF MIGHT & MAGIC® III HD EDITION Might and Magic Heroes 7 is already in development at Might & Magic X: Legacy studio Limbic Entertainment, and it's currently scheduled for release in 2015. Not that my uncle cares, but HoMM 3 HD isn't the only Heroes game on the horizon. I'm genuinely wary of telling him about the HD re-release for fear he might spend the next 15 years playing it. He's been playing it for 15 years, and refuses to move on to newer entries because as far as he's concerned, it doesn't get any better than HoMM 3. Not only is it widely regarded as one of the best if not the very best in the series, but - and this is 100 percent true - it's the only video game my uncle will play. If you've not experienced the fantasy series' mix of fortress building and grid-based strategy, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is as good a starting point as any. Ubisoft's press release doesn't mention any online multiplayer for the tablet versions, but they do support local multiplayer. For one, the PC version is Steamworks-compatible, and introduces an online multiplayer lobby where players can congregate. While Ubisoft's yet to reveal a price, the publisher did divulge a few details about the HD re-release.